Sid Dante is an M4 student and President of the Student Chapter. He joined the ITDSP because of the exciting opportunities to participate and learn in a longitudinal global health project throughout four years of school.
Mary Beth Ramsey is an M2 student and Vice-President. She joined ITDSP because she is interested in global health and, as a student, keen on neurology. She wanted to branch out from a typical academic focus. |
Benjamin Graboyes is an M2 and the Vice-President of the Student Chapter. He is interested in finding long-term solutions to healthcare issues in foreign countries. |
Benjamin Brown is an M1 student and is the Newsletter Coordinator for ITDSP. Ben traveled through Ecuador and saw firsthand the great need for medical help and system structure. He joined ITSDP to have a direct impact in the country while doing research with an international impact. |
Hanh Le is an M2 student and Journal Club Co-Coordinator of the Student Chapter. |
Dan Newton is an M3 student and joined the ITSDP Student Chapter to participate in the change from short term aid to evidence-based systems improvement. |
Joseph D. Roderique, MC, USNR is an M2 student and joined ITSDP Student Chapter because it combines his favorite interests in medicine, trauma, and international work/relief. |
Peter Gibson (M3)
Austin DeHart (M2)
Britney Tsui (M2)
Christine Dao (M2)
Colleen Holley (M2)
Dusty Anderson (M2)
Kai Ling Hsu (M2)
Katie Goth (M2)
Kyle Irby (M2)
Lori Hoover (M2)
Nishant Magar (M2)
Richard Hubbard (M2)
Whitney Stewart (M2)